Solution Overview
The remote access solution enables users to connect to work/office networks, from a remote location, using a regular internet line, in a secure manner, in order to access access to various files and resources of interest.
Mobile VPNs are a more versatile variation of remote access solutions, used in environments where workers need to keep application sessions open at all times, throughout the working day, as they connect via various wireless networks and/or encounter gaps in coverage.
From a security perspective, several validation criteria can be enforced on the remote user device before access is granted – authentication, security posture, OS patching level, etc, to ensure the most secure connection conform latest security standards.
Several vendors are in scope, so the remote access solution can implement a wide variety of features from simple to more complex ones.
Clients’ Benefits
- Enables the adoption of telecommuting programs – the corporate office is quickly being defined as “any place where work is done”
- Reduces office space related costs and improves employee retention via increased flexibility and telecommuting programs
- Improves user productivity
- Increases business operations availability and continuity
- Can be used as an alternate connectivity solution in case of corporate network outages
- Increased user support / assistance capabilities
- Maintains the security standards and policies of the work environment
- Account management integrated into the corporate identity management systems
Solution Description
- Design and plan customer specific implementation approach, considering special requirements – security, scalability, preferred vendor, costs, etc.
- Installation and configuration of the central concentrator equipment
- Installation and configuration of the client software and assistance with automatic deployment methods
- Post implementation support and maintenance
- Post implementation training – optional
- Remote access solution can be offered as a fully managed service with agreed upon Service Levels