Network Connectivity Design

network design

Service Overview

Network Connectivity Design service offered by ACROM® provides the expertise for assessing current networking Infrastructure, also propose and implement the optimal solutions in order to achieve a faster and more efficient service level.

Clients’ Benefits

  • Improve Performance
  • Better performance in accessing the internal/external resources
  • Applications performance improvement through optimal network infrastructure and services
  • Reduce Costs
  • Consolidation of network devices or deferred upgrade plans
  • Optimize the cost of investment in networking equipment and services
  • Reduce downtime through preventive and maintenance services
  • Accelerating different applications thorough the Internet for the distributed users



  • IT Audit for Network Infrastructure – Identify the current Network performance
  • Agree customer current and future needs
  • Design the optimal solution for customer needs
  • LAN architecture
  • WAN architecture
  • Wireless architecture
  • Identify and propose solution based on optimal technologies and hardware vendors technological partners
  • Implement the agreed Network solution
  • Maintenance services
  • Monitoring and reporting the availability of the Network Infrastructure
  • Optimization through different vendors technologies (WAAS)


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