Managed VPN Services Overview
Network Managed VPN is a service for user’s security need and especially satisfying the need of sending encrypted data over a network.
Service Benefits of Managed VPN
- Secure Sharing of company data
- Enhanced data and voice security
- Better performance in accessing the company resources (QoS)
- Optimize the cost per user for accessing company IT resources
- Remote access and control of IT resources. Directly connect local business applications to head office database servers. Ideal for e-mail or SQL databases
- Gain secure access to internal Intranet web sites and applications or web cams
- Online anonymity of users
- Unblock preferred websites & bypass filters
- Dynamic IP addresses allocation
Service Features
- Secure Network Audit
- Managed VoIP Solution
- Failover option for high availability
- Monitoring tool
- Internet access control
- Managed VPN Solution provided by Cisco, Juniper, HP, IBM
- Multi-User Remote Access To Office Computers
- Connect To Office Databases
- Browse Internal Web Content
- No Hardware To Buy Or Software To Configure
- Solution Design
- Access Control – ACL (access-list)
- Prioritization – QoS (Quality of Service)